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Events at the Hannover Messe 2023

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Within the framework of this year’s Hannover Messe, we recommend two interesting events on April 20 on the topic Interoperability…

„Competition or complement: How does AAS fit with the interoperability solutions AML & OPC UA?“

Is AAS replacing OPC UA and AML? Will the AAS perform all required data exchange  related to industrial assets? This presentation provides a clear understanding of each technology’s focus and presents a big picture how AAS, AML and OPC UA work together seamlessly in the future. This big picture avoids double or competitive standardization and modelling, resulting in a technology landscape that complements and enhances the interoperability technologies by integrating the strengths of AutomationML, OPC UA & Asset Administration Shell.

When?:     Thursday April, 20th, 2023 from 11:10 – 11:30 (CEST) as part of the OPC Foundation Conference „OPC UA meets IT“

Where?:   Hannover Messe – Convention Center – Room 3B

Speaker?: Prof. Dr. Rainer Drath

Language?: English

How the AAS fit to the interoperability solutions AML & OPC UA

Panel discussion as a Livestream on how AAS fits with OPC UA and AutomationML interoperability solutions.

When?:     Thursday April, 20th, 2023 from 13:30 – 14:15 (CEST)

Where?:   Hannover Messe –Hall 8, Stand D17

Speakers?: Stefan Hoppe (OPC Foundation), Dr. Christian Mosch (Industrial Digital Twin Association), Andreas Faath (VDMA e.V.), Prof. Dr. Rainer Drath (AutomationML e.V.)

Language?: German, Live Translation