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General Assembly for the 2020 business year

Member_June 2021

This year’s general assembly could take place virtually. In addition to the reports of the board, the office, the treasurer, the cash auditors and the working group leaders, current and future topics were also discussed and debated.

Furthermore, the AutomationML e.V. is facing upcoming challenges with new board members.

AutomationML e.V. welcomes its new board members Mr. M. Gerstner (Mercedes-Benz AG), Mr. T. Snide (Schneider Electric), Mr. M. Langosch (BMW Group) and Dr. S. Preuße (Volkswagen AG). Together with the reelected board members Dr. A. Graf Gatterburg (Hilscher Gesellschaft für Systemautomation mbH), Dr. W. Schlögl (Siemens AG), Mr. D. Wolff (inpro Innovationsgesellschaft für fortgeschrittene Produktionssysteme in der Fahrzeugindustrie mbH), Prof. A. Lüder (Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg), Dr. A. Keibel (KUKA Deutschland GmbH), Mr. M. Müller (Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V.) and Prof. R. Drath (University Pforzheim) they will decide about the further developments of the data exchange format AutomationML for the next two years.

Special thanks also to our members for their numerous participation in the general assembly and the good discussions, ideas and suggestions for improvement. We are looking forward to the future cooperation and the further steady development of AutomationML!