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New service release for the AutomationML Editor

Automation ML Placeholder

New Features

  • A Server profile for an AutomationML file server can now be defined, using the unsecure WebDAV HTTP network protocol. This feature should only be used in LAN configurations. Otherwise th secure WebDAV HTTPS protocol shall be preferred.
  • A Server profile for an AutomationML file server can now be defined, using a local host or device for direct file access. This feature can be used to publish libraries for testing.


  • When a new version of an already versioned library is created, the new version includes all version references of the previous version. This has been changed now. Version references of the previous version are not included in the new version.
  • The option „publish to folder“ has been removed from the publishing dialog. Use the new file server configuration for a local folder instead.


  • Fixed a bug that affected the publication of AutomationML container files as example documents.

General note: The AutomationML Editor can also be used to a large extent without a license. Only the size of the AML models and the use of some plug-ins is restricted. The size restrictions are generous and do not affect its applicability for most educational and didactical purposes.